It’s your life, live it the way you want

How did Riley Kearl create a self-fulfilling prophecy on the first day the National Music Centre opened in Calgary? Find out in this episode of the RebelRebel and hear how one person can create a movement around helping artists feel validated — Vantage Magazine.

Not only does this episode explore Riley’s motto to “do what you love, have fun, and follow your passion”, it’s also filled with sage advice and boss travel tips.


See the video of this podcast:

Thank you to Emre Cords for the kickass theme music and our supporters at

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RebelRebel Theme Song by EMRE CORDS

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About the Author: Michael Dargie

Michael Dean Dargie is a sought-after international speaker and the host of the RebelRebel Podcast. He has been nominated for Outstanding Host, as well as Outstanding Business Series in the Canadian Podcast Awards numerous times. Michael is the CEO and "Creative Zealot" at Make More Creative—a branding agency serving creative rebels and businesses worldwide.