cspace king edward

Ahead By A Mile

cSPACE Sessions with Matthew O'Reilly When Matthew O'Reilly was growing up he struggled with being the "second best artist" in his school. This made him push himself to get better and better and eventually brought him out west to Calgary to learn sculpture. Today Matthew has an outstanding exhibition [...]

Sit Down and Start

Writing the novel, apostrophes, and Cobra KaiRobin Van Eck is the president of the Alexandra Writers' Society Organization, and a kick-ass author based out of cSPACE King Edward in Calgary, Alberta.From her lessons on "how not to enter a writing contest" to publishing her first novel to her best advice [...]

Andy Moro Live at cSpace King Edward

20/20 Wavelength and Alberta Culture Days BROADCAST LIVE FROM CSPACE KING EDWARD ON SEPTEMBER 2, 2020 Andy Moro is a mixed-blood, multi-disciplinary artist, who is helping bring together the vision of 20/20 Wavelength project at cSPACE during the 2020 Alberta Culture Days.  Art is so important. Andy's an extraordinary [...]

It All Comes Down to Story

‘Bunny’ Batista’s Atelier Artista at cSPACE King Edward Will this be the time you learn how Brian Batista earned his nickname 'Bunny'? Bunny is a creative dynamo who started Atelier Artista on the fourth floor of cSPACE King Edward. Not only is Bunny a terrific artist, he's an exceptional teacher, [...]

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