
What’s the next hardest thing?

The worst thing anyone will ever say is no. She is a trouble-maker, a brat, a fearless creator, and a self-described creative capitalist -- we’re pleased to introduce you to Rebecca Northan. Rebecca is the creator of the improvised, and world renowned play "Blind Date", as well as the [...]

Mind the Walrus

Dan Gibbins has made a life and career in theatre—from his first win in a high school competition to producing award-winning plays with a community theatre group called Scorpio Theatre he founded 19 years ago. Dan is a blast to listen to. He's got stories galore about travels to New [...]

The Ruthlessly Reasonable Orca

Maclean Kay is loving life in Victoria on Vancouver Island. He's the Editor in Chief of the new online magazine, The Orca, and couldn't be happier. We catch up over a few craft beers at WHEELIES MOTORCYCLES, this great hole-in-the-wall restaurant, venue, and motorcycle shop. This episode looks at the struggles [...]

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