
The Doctor of Improv

With special guest David Charles David Charles is a transplanted New Zealander living in Florida, USA. He’s a professor at Rollins College, and a regular on the renowned SAK Comedy Lab stage. He talks about his passion for all forms of improvisational theatre, performing, and living his best life. [...]

Never Stop Learning and Doing Weird Things

With special guest Ian Pond One of the things that caught our attention about Ian was his dedication to theatre and film. He’s a talented maker of things, stage combat aficionado, cosplayer, science-fiction geek, and advises everyone to be okay with what makes you happy. He’s Chinese by heritage [...]

Be A Business That Matters

With special guest Tony McGrath You'll immediately hear why we had to have Tony McGrath back on the RebelRebel Podcast -- he's charming, thoughtful, well spoken, and also can drop f-bombs and suffers no fools. He was with us at the start in season one when he just took [...]

Andy Moro Live at cSpace King Edward

20/20 Wavelength and Alberta Culture Days BROADCAST LIVE FROM CSPACE KING EDWARD ON SEPTEMBER 2, 2020 Andy Moro is a mixed-blood, multi-disciplinary artist, who is helping bring together the vision of 20/20 Wavelength project at cSPACE during the 2020 Alberta Culture Days.  Art is so important. Andy's an extraordinary [...]

Think Global, Act Local

The cSPACE Sessions with Deeter Schurig The CEO of cSPACE Projects, Deeter Schurig, is an prime example of what happens when you follow your passions and pay attention to the universe. In the first episode of a series dedicated entirely to cSPACE you'll learn about Deeter's background in the arts, [...]

The Black Radish Theatre Company

Meet Christopher Hunt, one of the founders of the Black Radish Theatre Company Christopher Hunt continues to make his mark as a professional performer in Calgary — so much so he received the Harry and Martha Cohen Award in recognition of his significant and sustained contribution to theatre in Calgary. [...]

Grande Damme Theatre Grand

When Tony McGrath got involved with Theatre Junction Grand he had no idea what he was in for. Never having been in the "Arts" before it might seem like a strange leap to go from Management Consultant to CEO of one of Western Canada's oldest and dearest theatres—Theatre Grand. For [...]

Mind the Walrus

Dan Gibbins has made a life and career in theatre—from his first win in a high school competition to producing award-winning plays with a community theatre group called Scorpio Theatre he founded 19 years ago. Dan is a blast to listen to. He's got stories galore about travels to New [...]

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