too cool motorcycle school

Do The Stuff That Matters

Lanchi Dech helps people reach their goals on two wheels She wanted to learn to ride a motorcycle ever since she was a teenager, but life happened. She was finally able to realize her dream back in 2013 by taking a course with Too Cool Motorcycle School and that was [...]

Tackling it Head On

He teaches first aid and was Fire Fighter for a time but it wasn't until he witnessed several motorcycle accidents on a ride through the Rocky Mountains that he found his calling, and business, Head On First Aid and Safety. Standard First Aid training is his bread and button, but [...]

Motorcycles, Where Freedom Begins

Trevor Dech is the Chief Instructor of Too Cool Motorcycle School and has spent his career teaching people not just to ride, and ride safely, but also how to recharge their smile. We talk about motorcycle riding, teaching, taking course, high-performance riding, motorcycle racing, motorcycle tours, and why it's [...]

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